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Our Groups

We operate three groups, including two workshop style ones (Teen BATS and Junior BATS) for our younger members.


Our main group typically performs two shows a year; usually producing a musical or panto in the spring and a play in the summer.

If you'd like to get involved in our next production then keep your eyes peeled on our socials (particularly our Facebook page) and our website ('What's On') for information sessions about them and auditions.


With a variety of roles available, including those on stage, backstage, on the creative team (scenery, props, costumes...) and in front of house, there's something for everyone at BATS!


Teen Bats has been running for around eight years. We meet in term-time Fridays from 8.00pm until 9.30pm at Brantham Village Hall.


Recent productions have included "Death takes the train" and "Dark Road" which have both had good reviews. Most sessions are of a workshop nature, looking at improvisation, technique and other aspects of productions, unless we are working on a play.


The group's aim is to build on things already learnt in Junior BATS and to encourage members’ particular interests. Teen Bats is open to secondary school age children and young people. 


The current leaders are Mark Hinson & Ian Southgate assisted by Laura Pitchell. 


(Ages 7-12)

Junior BATS has been running since 1988 and is a group that helps your child to express their acting abilities and build self-confidence through:​ GAMES, PLAY READINGS and REHEARSALS along with working on productions and performing on our stage.

The main aims of the group are: 

  • Having fun together as friends 

  • Learning new skills and improving or developing present ones, including reading and speaking aloud 

  • Learning how to set up a production 

  • Some children have written their own scripts – we use them over and over! 

  • Understanding what it means to be committed (with the support of friends and family – sometimes family celebrations are an understandably strong magnet, as are sleepovers and school discos) 

  • Dressing up is a part of the excitement in being on stage 

  • Sometimes we make masks and paint scenery together 

  • Learning lines is essential 

We have been running so long that we have children of previous batlets. Some have grown up to take part in our other adult productions and as chorus members of our musicals and pantomimes. One or two have gone into ‘Show Business’, which includes working on cruise ships, and one member now has her Doctorate in Letters (Cassie Adjei).


We normally run in school time, so that many children start the term they are seven years old. This allows for them to become confident readers, but we have allowed younger ones to start with the encouragement of their parents. So – when they are ready.

The safety of your children is our upmost priority and you can read our Safeguarding Policy here.

The group is staffed by volunteers within BATS; it is led by Angie Heath, B.Ed (Drama) Dip.Spok.Eng (Dist).

Meeting at Brantham Village Hall

Every Friday from 6pm

Call 07891 974844 for further information.

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